Apple numbers User Manual

Page of 295
Chapter 12   
 Dictionary of Functions
The OFFSET function retrieves a range of cells that is the specified number of rows and 
columns away from the specified base cell.
OFFSET(baserow-offsetcolumn-offset, [rows], [columns])
 base:  The address of the cell from which the offsets are measured.
 row-offset:  The number of rows from the base cell to the target cell. 0 means the 
target cell is in the same row as the base cell. A negative number means the target is 
to the left of the base.
 column-offset:  The number of columns from the base cell to the target cell. 0 means 
the target is in the same column as the base cell. A negative number means the 
target is above the base.
 rows:  Optional; the number of rows to retrieve starting with the offset location. If 
omitted, 1 is used.
 columns:  Optional; the number of columns to retrieve starting with the offset 
location. If omitted, 1 is used.
The OR function returns TRUE if any argument is true and FALSE otherwise.
OR(expression, [expression. . .])
 expression:  One or more logical or numeric expressions.
If expression is a numeric expression, a value of 0 is interpreted as FALSE and any 
nonzero value is interpreted as TRUE.
OFFSET(A1,5,5) returns the value in cell F6 (the cell 5 columns to the right and 5 rows below cell A1).
OFFSET(G33,0,-1) returns the value in the cell to the left of G33 (the value in F33).
OR(A1+A2<100,B1+B2<100) returns false if the sums of the indicated cells are both greater than or 
equal to 100, and true if at least one of the sums is less than 100. 
OR(5,0,6) returns true because at least one argument is not zero.